Wheeler Farm

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
We spent the morning at Wheeler Farm with Bella's preschool class. She seemed less than impressed with everything but the ride. (She refused to wear her yellow school shirt, only pink or princess right now!) She kept complaining about the smell.
She did like chasing after the geese, though she never got quite close enough to actually catch one. It would probably have taken her hand off if she did!
In the corner of the picture you can just see the arm of our farm guide, Maria. She told the kids to follow her, so BElla did. She put her hands in her pockets and walked about a foot behind her most of the time.

Just after Dad took this picture Bella said, "It is too stinky here, can we just go get a sandwich?" But my favorite comment of all was when we were looking at the store and I wouldn't get her anything. She looked at me and said "Mom, you are making me so frustrated!"